Transitional Independent Living

A Generational Malaise: Why Aren’t Young Adults Grown Ups Anymore?

The economy is the easiest, quickest place to put blame as to why young adults don’t leave home. For the most part, that does play a big role, but there are also other underlying factors. Next to money or lifestyle (that is provided by money) many kids haven’t gained life management skills to give them what they need to get out of the house.

For parents, who have been providing, working hard, and building a financially sustained lifestyle, they may be distanced from understanding their teen and hindered in seeing what they need to make that jump. For a successful parent, it may be overwhelming to perceive their child as “unsuccessful”. This really is not the case, your son or daughter may just need the right tools.

New Directions is a transitional residential living facility that works with young adults to teach them how to make decisions on their own. If you would like to consider a unique, scientifically based program that goes deeper than traditional therapy, please call an advisor at (877) 763-5102 to learn more about our proactive and positive approach to independent living.

Life Management Skills Are The Missing Link

At New Directions, we offer a comprehensive plan to help your child fill in the blanks in the areas they need help. We start with an initial assessment so we can find out which areas need help and just how much they need. Your child is an individual and shouldn’t be lumped in with a group. Our one-on-one counselors are available to work directly with your son or daughter. We can enhance their academic skills with tutors and our career selection process. We also have clinical psychologists available to all students in our facility. We teach the basics of learning to be a grown-up. Your son or daughter will learn to manage their careers, their homes, and their finances. Our skilled advisors at New Directions are experts at developing life management skills for young adults. Call (954) 571- 5102 to learn how we can help.

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