One of the most popular activities at New Directions for Young Adults is our “Adventure Group.” This innovative clinical group is a great activity for young adults who are either transitioning out of a wilderness program or for those who just love the outdoors, physical activity, or just plain old having fun. Since inception, Adventure group has become one of the most popular group activities at New Direction.
Recently, our Adventure Group took on Disk Golf at Quiet Waters Park. Everyone was in high spirits and had a great time playing. During lunch, one of our New Directions clinicians (i.e., Alex) led the daily clinical agenda which focused on goal setting and self-assessment techniques. During this exercise, our young adults spoke about their short and long-term goals and discussed their previous weeks performance. Also discussed was positive way one could approach the week ahead so as to be most productive and track and obtain identified objectives. Participants really seemed to enjoy the balance of physical exercise and clinical discussion.