Clinical Psychology Services
Clinical Psychology Services
All students at New Directions receive individual and group counseling sessions weekly. Our clinical staff are available daily to meet with students at our New Directions offices.
The young adult years can be a developmentally difficult period. It’s a time when youths are forming their identities and moving from childhood to adulthood. Some students arrive to college with unresolved childhood issues or traumas. Others struggle with living away from home for the first time or may not have the skills to live independently. They may face problems, such as challenging college classes, difficulty finding a job, poor peer/family relationships, a breakup of a romantic relationship and other issues. New directions is unique among transition programs for young adults, by allowing your young adult to practice the tools we give them in real-life environments.
New Directions provides clinical psychology services as part of it multi-disciplinary treatment model to help students overcome these challenges and succeed in their life goals. New Directions also provides transitional housing for mental health, for young adults with special needs and typical young adults also. We also help treat depression related issues that typical depression residential treatment centers offer. Although New Directions differs than the usual programs for young adults with depression, by treating a variety of conditions that hinder your young adult’s independence and happiness.
New directions has clinical staff experienced in treating a wide variety of patients, by helping them to get the skills and confidence they need to succeed. We do offer psychiatric treatment options, however we are not a typical psychiatric residential treatment facility for adults. New Directions understands your young adult will benefit from the help of a professional, however our treatment plans for each young adult are meant to uniquely fit their needs, and medication is not the sole focus of any treatment plan. If you are wondering, “ which of these residential programs for troubled youth near me is going to help my young adult?” you have come to the right place.
New directions knows you have decisions when it comes to treatment options, but what separated us is the comprehensive, and custom fit treatment options we provide that engage your young adult in real life situations to achieve true independence. the integrated behavioral plans are an important part of the clinical services provided at New Directions. Plans are developed to address each client’s unique obstacles so as to best support their goals and behavioral challenges. To learn more about the services we can provide your young adult please give us a call today.
Also, take a look at our parent videos page to see how excited our parents are with their new young adult!

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