Financial Skills Development
Building Financial Independence for Young Adults
Financial Skills Development
One of the “core” elements of the New Directions multi-disciplinary treatment model, is the financial component. Teaching financial skills is an important aspect of transitional living programs for young adults and any autism program for adults as well. According to Andrew S. Rubin, Ph.D., this piece is often “an underemphasized necessity when it comes to a young adult’s transition to independence.” Our innovative model incorporates this important financial component. Our young adult clients meet with their financial counselor weekly to help achieve their previously identified budgetary goals. New Directions assists parents in setting up financial accounts (with unrelated parties) with the objective of facilitating our integrated financial system.
As the clients we work with demonstrate increased responsibility, our financial and therapeutic staff work closely together to coordinate our step down multi-disciplinary approach. Our financial staff also help to teach the budgetary skills necessary to be independent. During Covid-19 we are also providing e-learning for special needsstudents that includes “core” education classes, and teaching of financial skills as well. New Directions is more than a treatment facility for troubled youth. We help typical young adults and special needs young adults by utilizing tried and true autism comprehensive educational services, geared towards helping students gain independence.
New Directions has experience treating virtually every kind of student from those with special needs and those who struggle with different emotional conditions, our integrative program really integrates every staple of how to help a socially awkward teenager move past their growing phase; to where they are comfortable engaging, (and actually enjoy socially engaging) in a variety of social situations. Take a look at some of the unique and fun activities we provide to help your young adult enjoy their treatment and build social skills in the process while learning how to manage the finances in the process.
To get started with helping your younf adult achieve independence, contact us today! Also take a look at our parent videos page so you can see how elated each parent is to have their young adult transition into adulthood and find contentedness.

Ready to Achieve Independence ?