Transitional Independent Living

Is “Emerging Adulthood” Just a Blanket Term to Give Lazy Adults a Pass on Acting in an Immature Way?

Sometimes young adults who still live with and rely on their parents like to call their phase “emerging adulthood” as a way to make it seem like their behavior is normal or acceptable.

However, it has just become a polite way to describe lazy men and women who aren’t moving out, getting jobs, and becoming self-sufficient. It is becoming more and more common in this generation to encounter this problem, which is why so many parents have begun seeking professional help to give their children the kick they need.

A clinical approach can truly work wonders for a young adult who lacks the motivation to work hard and create their own life. New Directions has been serving these kinds of people for many years, and we have successfully taught numerous men and women how to turn their lives around, so call us for assistance today at (954) 571- 5102.

How to Turn Your Child Around

Giving a title like this to the immature behavior of young adults is making the problems they have even worse. Giving their phase a term makes them believe that it is normal, or something that everyone goes through. They don’t gain the momentum they need to get out on their own, because they have the mindset that they are simply in their “emerging adulthood” phase. One of the best approaches parents can take is to simply be frank about the situation, and let their children know that they are acting lazy and entitled. Tough love is often the only way, because coddling youth is one of the biggest reasons that they end up in this position in the first place. Rather than justifying this to your child and yourself by calling them an “emerging adult”, in the long run it will be better if everyone is honest about what is actually going on.

Help From New Directions for Young Adults

Assistance can be found through New Directions, because our Direction Therapy CMT program combines life management skills, job training, counseling, tutoring, and many other services into an individual plan. By implementing it, young adults learn to rely on themselves and gain independence.

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