Transitional Independent Living

Re-opening America brings exciting new employment opportunities for Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum

With the states across the nation re-opening students here at New Directions for Young Adults have been lucky enough to welcome a plethora of new local job opportunities. Our young adults on the autism spectrum have been working alongside our Vocational staff to gain interview skills and insights on obtaining and sustaining employment. Our vocational staff have worked diligently to help prepare young adults for these opportunities even during the strict COVID-19 quarantine.  Many of the young adults we serve, with the guidance of our advisors, have overcome huge obstacles on their journey to independence. Recently with the re-opening several of our students have interviewed successfully and have been offered jobs in customer service and administrative positions. Our Vocational team continues to assist these successful young adults with autism in maintaining a healthy and friendly work environment.

Despite COVID-019 complications, many of our young adults have obtained volunteer and paid employment positions. We find the success of our young adults is always worth celebrating and we are proud of them for seeking and obtaining gainful employment.

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