Transitional Independent Living

Staff Spotlight: Ashley Wasserman, Psy.D.

Why New Directions for Young Adults?

New Directions for Young Adults is a comprehensive program that utilizes a team based approach. I have worked in many areas of psychology and found that a team based approach increases staff involvement to provide more unified treatment and produces better outcomes for clients. As a clinician it is important to me to be part of a practice that prioritizes the quality of care for its clients and NDFYA definitely puts their clients first.


What is the focus of your work at NDFYA?

The focus of my work at NDFYA is both clinical and administrative. I work with clients to assist them with obtaining their treatment goals as well as speak to parents to provide updates and address concerns. I assist with case management for each of my clients and act as a bridge between them and educational consultants, psychiatrists, and outside providers. Additionally, I assist the clinical director with administrative tasks including contracts, emails to parents and providers, and coordinating client care needs with other staff.


What’s your most memorable NDFYA experience?

My most memorable experience at NDFYA was the recent 10 year anniversary party hosted in Tampa. The Rubin’s went all out and held a great event that captured the true spirit of NDFYA. Everyone had a great time and it was nice to be part of such an accomplishment.

How has NDFYA impacted your life?

NDFYA has provided me an opportunity to complete my doctoral residency hours which are required for my licensure. This has been essential for me in order to advance in my career.


What is your favorite activity outside of the work?

Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my husband, fishing, cooking, watching movies, and playing with our dog Lola.

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