Transitional Independent Living

Uriel ‘Wil’ Williams, B.A.

Program Assistant (Mentor)

Uriel is a Mentor at New Directions for Young Adults. He attended Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, where he received his bachelor’s in communication. He was fortunate to receive a four-year soccer scholarship which allowed him to also play his favorite sport! Uriel worked in the school districts as a substitute teacher for many years and worked with a variety of age groups. He has a passion for fostering success in young adults and takes pride in teaching a multitude of independent living skills. Soccer is still part of Uriel’s life as it has taught him teamwork and effective communication. In Uriel’s spare time, when he isn’t being a dad, he trains young soccer players and is also a personal wellness coach. Uriel enjoys giving back to his community by volunteering his time and helping those he can!
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