Transitional Independent Living

Study Finds Autism Less Common In Some Ethnic Groups

Researchers in Israel may have found another clue about the potential causes of autism. In a recently published study, scientists discovered that the disorder is significantly less common in certain ethnic groups.

For example, the ultra-orthodox and arab communities were demonstrated to have rates of autism that were less than half that of the mainstream population. This is obviously a huge margin of difference, and has raised a number of questions about the fundamental factors behind the development of autism.

Finding The Causes Of Autism

One of the potential explanations for these findings is the fact that members of these communities have children at a very young age compared to the rest of Israeli society. Researchers speculate that this might have a significant impact on the development of children and could greatly reduce incidents of autism. Though this explanation is still just speculation, the incredibly low rates of autism among certain communities strongly suggests that something is preventing their children from developing autism. Furthermore, these communities live in the same areas as groups with higher rates so it is relatively easy to rule out environmental factors. Hopefully as research into the causes of autism advances scientists will be able to use these findings to get more concrete information about factors that influence its development.

For more information about this study, check out this link.

NDFYA Has The Right Program To Help Those With Autism

At NDFYA, we have developed a program that is highly effective at changing the lives of those dealing with autism. Our highly trained staff will take your son or daughter through the process of transforming their life and gaining the skills they need to live fully independent lives. Don’t let your child continue to struggle when there is help available. We encourage you to contact us today.

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